2024-2025 KIT Royal Tropical Institute Scholarships


2024/2025 KIT Royal Tropical Institute Scholarships

2024-2025 KIT Royal Tropical Institute Scholarships

KIT Scholarship Fund has collaborated with Rabbani Foundation

The purpose of the KIT Scholarship Fund is that, with what they learn, they can contribute to enhancing the health care situation in their country or around the globe. This scholarship is made possible thanks to alumni, foundations, and friends of KIT and KIT Scholarship Fund who want to assist better health around the world.


  • The scholarship is worth €18,500 and is intended as a contribution to the tuition fees of the master’s program for a maximum period of 12 months.
  • All remaining costs are the responsibility of the scholarship holder.
  • The scholarship starts and ends on the dates indicated in the award letter and covers, in principle, one academic year.

ALSO TRENDING: The University of Edinburgh Macqueen Scholarship 2024


A candidate applying for a scholarship from KIT Scholarship must:

  • Be a professional with at least two to three years relevant work experience. For most of KIT’s courses, the criteria are as follows: Minimum 3 years of relevant work experience (in low- and middle-income countries) minimum bachelor’s degree in medicine, other academic education related to healthcare (nursing, health sciences, social sciences with focus on health care).
  • Preferably, have a proven commitment for the public case (for example, work in remote rural areas or for disadvantaged populations).
  • Endorse the objectives and aims of the KIT Scholarship Fund and the donors. This means the candidate must return to his/her country of origin and contribute to improving the health situation with the knowledge and skills acquired during the Masters program.
  • Be a national of, working in, and living in a low-income country at the time of application.
  • Have academic admission to the KIT masters program, for which the candidate applies for a KIT Scholarship Fund scholarship. This means that the candidate must have met all the academic and administrative requirements set by KIT.
  • Not be employed by: a. a multinational corporation (e.g., Shell, Unilever, Microsoft); b. a large national and/or large commercial organization; c. a bilateral donor organization (e.g., USAID, DFID, Danida, Sida, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid); d. a multilateral donor organization (e.g., a UN organisation, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, IADB); e. an international NGO (e.g., Oxfam, Plan, Care).
  • Work in a field where studying at KIT can make relevant contribution.
  • Be in a position to introduce the newly acquired skills and knowledge.
  • Be available full-time to pursue the course or program without interruption, and be physically and mentally able to participate in the entire program.
  • Have other financial means, adding to the partial scholarship from KIT Scholarship Fund, to be able to cover all costs.
  • These other financial means can be in the form of employers support, another scholarship, savings, or support from others, e.g.
  • We encourage candidates from a number of Arab countries to also apply for a scholarship from the Rabbani Foundation.


  1. Admission letter to Master of Public Health and Health Equity
  2. Proof of financing for the remaining part of the funding (approximately 18.200 euros). Check the financial statement you received with your admission letter for the exact sum. This proof of financing can be bank statements, a letter of financial support by another scholarship provider, employer or other source of financing. If the proof of financing is using an other currency, make sure to add a correct conversion to Euro with the conversion date.
  3. A motivation letter: Why you are applying to KIT Scholarship Fund and how you plan to use the skills acquired to the advantage of the public case.
  4. Write a 500-700 word essay describing a public health problem you have experienced in the last two years that you would like to discuss or address in the course. Explain how this problem has consequences for the community and the health system


  • Only accepted applicants for the Master of Public Health and Health Equity can apply for this scholarship. This means you have to apply first to KIT to obtain academic admission.
  • In order to apply for this scholarship, you need to have a proven source of co-funding or other funding. The selection of candidates will be made from applicants with proven funding to cover all costs involved for their studies (applicants should be able to cover the remaining costs of approx. 18,200 euros). (For exact costs, applicants should read the financial statement that they received with their conditional letter of admission).
  • Make sure you fulfill all requirements before starting the application procedure. If you do not fulfill all the requirements, your application will unfortunately not be considered.

Application Deadline: March 15, 2024.



2024-2025 KIT Royal Tropical Institute Scholarships

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