Royal Society Africa Prize for Early-career Research Scientists 2023


Royal Society Africa Prize for Early-career Research Scientists 2023

Royal Society Africa Prize for Early-career Research Scientists 2023


The call for nominations is now open for the Royal Society Africa Prize for Early-career Research Scientists 2023. The contest is open for all youths who have the potential of partaking in the Society prize. This year, the Society is promoting nominations of joint collaborations, groups or teams for almost all its medals to better represent how modern science is undertaken. In addition, the Society is tremendously determined to broaden the diversity of those nominated for its awards, so do please consider all contacts and colleagues.

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Eligibility Requirements

Self-nominations are not accepted unless otherwise stated.
• Nominations are valid for three cycles of the award unless otherwise stated. Nominators are given the opportunity to update previously submitted nominations in December each year.
• No person should be awarded a subject-specific medal if they have already received a Royal Society Premier Award (Copley Medal, Royal Medals, Bakerian or Croonian Medal and Lecture).
• Winners of Royal Society subject-specific awards remain eligible for all other awards in future years
• Winners of Royal Society Premier Awards remain eligible for another Premier Award, excluding winning additional Royal Medals in future years.

Nomination process
Call for nominations
• The call for nominations opens on the Royal Society’s Anniversary Day – 30 November 2022.
• Nominations can be submitted until 15:00 GMT on 24 February 2023.
• As well as information from the nominee, some nominations also require the input of a referee invited by the nominator.
Review process
• Once the call for nominations has closed, referees will be asked to assess each nomination.
• Following the collection of references, all nominations are scored by the relevant awards committee. These scores are confidential and will be discussed by the relevant awards committee at a selection meeting held in the spring.

Approval of awards
• Following the selection meetings, recommendations for the winners of the majority of medals are made to the Premier Awards Committee for approval. More information about the awards committees for individual medals can be found in the table above. The flowchart below shows the committee decision-making process.
• Final approval is given by the Royal Society Council at their July meeting.
• The Royal Medal winners are subject to His Majesty’s approval which is normally received by July.

Notification of outcome
• Successful winners and nominators will be informed by Email in July.
• The Royal Medal winners and nominators will be informed in July following His Majesty’s approval.
• Unsuccessful nominations will be notified and reminded that the award will remain valid for 3 cycles
• We aim to inform nominators in advance of the public announcement of winners.
• The Royal Society will announce all winners publicly in late August.


Royal Society Africa Prize for Early-career Research Scientists 2023

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