The 2023 Eco State Poster Competition for Global Graphic Designers

The 2023 Eco State Poster Competition for Global Graphic Designers

The 2023 Eco State Poster Competition for Global Graphic Designers

Apply now for the 2023 Eco State Poster Competition for Global Graphic Designers on Truesport your best worldwide scholarship website on the internet. Montenegro was the first country in the world declared as an ecological country in 1991, in Žabljak in the Durmitor National Park precisely where the Wild Beauty Art Festival is taking place, showcasing high-quality art programs in place of (still) astonishing natural beauty. Although a noble idea for a small country and its citizens, the reality, 31 years after, is quite different.

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Eligibility Conditions for the 2023 Eco State Poster Competition

  • Open to all graphic designers interested in the discipline of poster art.
  • Entrants may be from anywhere in the world.
  • Each student can participate with three (3) posters.


  1. 1st prize – €1,000
  2. 2nd prize – €600
  3. 3rd prize – €300


  • Participants are invited to submit a maximum of three posters on the theme “Ecologycal Country”.
  • What does an “ecological country” mean for you and how to fight for such a great idea against corrupted political structures?
  • How can a country be greener and more careful about its natural environment and how it force those in power to fulfill the green agenda?

Procedures for Application

  • All posters should be submitted online.
  • Convert your Poster files to meet these conditions: JPG – quality 10, RGB – 8 Bits/channel, 3900 pixels on the longer side. The file size must not exceed 12 MB.
  • DO NOT SEND PRINTED COPIES. The WBESP will make print-outs for jury review, as well as exhibition prints of winning posters.
  • There is no entry fee to the Biennial competition.

Application Deadline: 15 July 2023




The 2023 Eco State Poster Competition for Global Graphic Designers

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