The 2023 EJN Climate Change Media Partnership Reporting Fellowships to COP28

The 2023 EJN Climate Change Media Partnership Reporting Fellowships to COP28

The 2023 EJN Climate Change Media Partnership Reporting Fellowships to COP28

Apply now for the 2023 EJN Climate Change Media Partnership Reporting Fellowships to COP28 on Truesport your best worldwide scholarship website on the internet. The Climate Change Media Partnership (CCMP), conducted by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) and the Stanley Center for Peace and Security, is delighted to declare the CCMP COP28 Reporting Fellowship Program for journalists concerned in covering the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28). Hosted this year by the United Arab Emirates, the conference is planned to hold in the city of Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023.

Now in its 16th iteration since its launch in 2007, the CCMP has brought more than 400 journalists from low- and middle-income countries to attend and report on the annual UN climate talks. This has enabled journalists from around the world to cover the climate negotiations for their home audiences while benefiting from working alongside knowledgeable media trainers and gaining a multifaceted understanding of the actions countries are taking or not taking to address climate change’s global impact. The 2023 EJN Climate Change Media Partnership Reporting Fellowships to COP28

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Eligibility Conditions for the 2023 EJN Climate Change Media Partnership Reporting Fellowships to COP28

To be eligible for the In-person Fellowship track, the applicant must:

  • Be a professional journalist from or representing an established media house and reporting from a low- or middle-income country.
  • Be available and willing to travel to Dubai to attend COP28 in person, arriving on November 28 and departing no earlier than December 14, 2023.

To be eligible for the Virtual Fellowship track, the applicant must:

  • Be a professional journalist from or representing an established media house and report from a low- or middle-income country in the MENA or Lower Mekong regions, and a list of eligible countries is available here.

To be eligible for either Fellowship track, the applicant must:

  • Have a good command of the English language.
  • Have previous experience reporting on climate change issues and clearly indicate the kinds of stories you might pursue about the conference.
  • Commit to participating in all Fellowship activities.
  • Provide a letter of support from an editor, producer, or supervisor who can confirm that your news reports will be published or broadcast in an established media outlet. Freelancers are welcome to apply but must provide a letter of support from a media outlet for which they intend to report.
  • Provide recent, relevant, and journalistic work samples on climate change topics, which can be uploaded as documents or web links. Stories can be in any language as long as they are accompanied by a short English synopsis. Clips must focus on climate change topics.


  • CCMP In-Person Fellows will travel to Dubai to attend the entire duration of the UN climate negotiations, with arrival planned for November 28, 2023, and departure on December 14, 2023.
  • The CCMP will cover non-refundable economy-class airfare, accommodation, meals, travel medical insurance, and ground transportation costs related to Fellowship participation. Organizers will also facilitate the press accreditation process and provide logistical support relating to the trip. Please note that the process of obtaining any necessary visas is the Fellow’s individual responsibility, though the CCMP will reimburse visa costs.
  • Prior to the start of COP28, Fellows will receive resources and technical support to help prepare for reporting at the conference, including a pre-COP virtual workshop to meet the team, discuss reporting opportunities, and ask any questions. Once in Dubai, Fellows will participate in a series of specially designed activities over the two-week period on the ground, including an orientation session with seasoned climate journalists and experts on the key issues at this COP, daily briefings, networking events, and interviews with high-level officials. They will also be guided by EJN ]trainers, who are senior journalists with experience covering UN climate summits.


We are looking for applicants who meet the following standards:

  • Demonstrated experience covering climate change, climate policy, and other environmental topics;
  • A clear and well-researched reporting plan for the COP, including potential story ideas, an estimated number of stories they’ll produce during the Fellowship, and demonstrated intention to continue developing their plan as the COP draws closer;
  • A relationship with an established media house and a signed letter of support from an editor agreeing to publish or broadcast work produced at the COP.

EJN also considers the necessity to assemble a diverse cohort of journalists from different types of media houses, mediums, and geographies.

Procedures for Application

  • If you have an existing account, you’ll need to log in. Since we recently updated our website, you might have to reset your password by clicking the “Forgot password?” link on the login page. If you don’t have an account, you must register by clicking “Log in” on the top right of the page and clicking on the “Sign up” link at the bottom of the page that opens. Click here for detailed instructions on how to create an account, and here for detailed instructions on how to reset your password.
  • If you start the application and want to come back and complete it later, you can click “Save Draft”. To return to the draft, you’ll need to go back to the opportunity and click ‘’Apply now’’ again to finalize the application.?

Application Deadline: June 30, 2023

The 2023 EJN Climate Change Media Partnership Reporting Fellowships to COP28

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