The 2023 Global Peace Photo Award for Photographers Globally

The 2023 Global Peace Photo Award for Photographers Globally

The 2023 Global Peace Photo Award for Photographers Globally

The 2023 Global Peace Photo Award identifies and encourages photographers from around the globe whose pictures capture human efforts towards a peaceful world and the quest for beauty and goodness in our respective lives. This award belongs to those photographs that excellently express the idea that our future lies in peaceful coexistence.

The 2023 Global Peace Photo Award is granted by Edition Lammerhuber and the Photographische Gesellschaft, (PHG). Edition Lammerhuber is an Austrian publisher, located in Baden near Vienna, committed to photography and to the understanding of science and art. The Photographische Gesellschaft, (PHG), established in Vienna in 1861, is the longest-standing photographic society in the German-speaking countries and the second-oldest in the world. It was established on 22 March 1861 by Anton Georg Martin at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.

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The 2023 Global Peace Photo Award will be conducted in cooperation with UNESCO, Austrian Parliament, Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association, International Press Institute (IPI), German Youth Photography Award, World Press Photo Foundation, POY LATAM, LensCulture, and Vienna Insurance Group.

Eligibility Requirements for the 2023 Global Peace Photo Award

  • Open to all photographers from anywhere in the world.
  • Digital submissions must be saved as .jpg, with more than 3000 pixels on the longest side. Images must not include any embedded marks, logos, names, or borders.
  • You may enter several photographs as individual submissions without an overall theme. Or you can submit up to 12 photographs as one story.

Value of Award

  • The Peace Image of the Year will receive €10,000. It will be on display for one year in the Austrian Parliament and will be included in the permanent art collection of the Austrian Parliament.
  • The top five listed photographers will be awarded the Alfred Fried Peace Medal. They will be on display for one year in the Austrian Parliament.
  • The winner of the Children’s Peace Image of the Year will receive the sum of € 1,000. The image will be on display for one year at the Austrian Parliament.
  • All winners will be invited to Vienna for the award ceremony in the Austrian Parliament on 14 November 2022.
  • All submitted images have the chance to take part in international exhibitions.

Judging Criteria

The international jury of the Global Peace Photo Award will judge the photographs on artistic merit, originality, subject, and style.

Method of Application

For each submission (single image or story) you must have a caption in English, a maximum length of 2000 characters. Maintain your text as short as possible, jurors like short, essential texts!

Application Deadline: May 21, 2023


The 2023 Global Peace Photo Award for Photographers Globally

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