The 2023 InfoNile University Science Communication Competition for Africa

The 2023 InfoNile University Science Communication Competition for Africa

The 2023 InfoNile University Science Communication Competition for Africa

Apply now for the 2023 InfoNile University Science Communication Competition for Africa on Truesport your best worldwide scholarship website on the internet. InfoNile, a geo-journalism platform and cross-border network of more than 800 environmental journalists and scientists in the Nile Basin, has launched a science communication competition that seeks to engage university students in Africa to understand the critical role of conserving swamps and their biodiversity.

The competition aims to promote environmental awareness and empower young scientists and conservationists in Africa to take action for swamps. Participating students are urged to conduct in-depth research, critically analyze scientific information, and effectively communicate their findings to diverse audiences.


To enhance university students’ knowledge and understanding of the significance of swamps in conserving biodiversity and mitigating climate change.


University students will employ various communication mechanisms to raise awareness about the importance of swamps and conserving biodiversity within.

This is through mechanisms like:

  • Informative and visually appealing stories that explore the challenges faced by swamps, conservation, and the role of biodiversity in climate change resilience.
  • Stories produced could be in the form of written articles and stories, photo stories, short videos, short podcasts, and poems.
  • Utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to reach a wider audience in raise awareness.

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  • A team of 2-3 university students, one from communication or Journalism and a science student will team up and offer a communication output of their choice according to the guidelines given above.

They will choose any scientific research article about swamps in their country and use it as a case study.

  1. Position 1- 125 USD +Branded InfoNile notebook, flask & t-shirt
  2. Position 2- 100 USD  +Branded InfoNile notebook, flask & t-shirt
  3. Position 3- 85 USD +Branded InfoNile notebook, flask & t-shirt
  4. Position 4- Branded InfoNile notebook, flask & t-shirt
  5. Position 5- Branded InfoNile notebook, flask & t-shirt


Submit your application by completing this application form

Application Deadline: 11th September 2023

The 2023 InfoNile University Science Communication Competition for Africa

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