The 2023 OPEC Fund Annual Award for Development (AAD)


The 2023 OPEC Fund Annual Award for Development (AAD)


The 2023 OPEC Fund Annual Award for Development (AAD)

Every year, the OPEC Fund for International Development aspires and celebrates the best and most brilliant development projects with its Annual Award for Development (AAD). The award was established in 1976 to honor the remarkable contributions of individuals and institutions to the advancement of developing countries. The award has become a highly respected and coveted recognition of innovation and success in the fields of education, transportation, and beyond. The 2023 OPEC Fund Annual Award for Development (AAD)

In distinction of the central role of women in the international development agenda, the OPEC Fund will offer its 2023 AAD to a project partner working on the crossroads of gender equality, development, and climate action. Of particular interest are plausible contributions toward SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; and SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

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Nominee Eligibility for the 2023 OPEC Fund Annual Award for Development (AAD)

  • The nominee must be an established, nongovernmental charitable organization operating in a country or countries other than the OPEC Fund’s 12 member countries (Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela).
  • Nominees must be legal entities and have been so for at least three years.
  • Nominees must have audited financial statements dating back at least two years.
  • Nominees must have expenditures greater than US$1,000,000 (in their most recent audited accounts).
  • Nominees may not be local offices of parent organizations, specific programs within organizations, university-based projects, or fiscally sponsored organizations.

Nomination Procedure

The nomination process is conducted online. Once an organization has been nominated, the OPEC Fund will reach the nominee directly to request more information and supporting documents, as appropriate. Additionally, the OPEC Fund may contact the nominating party for the same purpose.

The nomination process involves the following steps:

  • Step 1: Call for nominations.  AAD information and nomination forms are available via the OPEC Fund’s website
  • Step 2: The nominating parties submit nomination forms in English via the designated email address: Nominations must be signed by a senior official (e.g. CEO, Vice-President, or Head of Operation) and cite the motivations for nomination. Supporting documents should also be submitted. The nominating party may only nominate one organization per year. The deadline to submit AAD nominations is May 12, 2023.
  • Step 3: The OPEC Fund contacts the nominee and/or the nominating party for additional information and supporting materials.
  • Step 4: The OPEC Fund AAD Committee reviews the nominations based on the aforementioned criteria, and makes a recommendation to the OPEC Fund Management for approval.
  • Step 5: The OPEC Fund informs the successful nominee and nominating party of its decision via an official letter, including terms of utilization of the AAD grant proceeds.
  • Step 6: Upon confirmation of acceptance of the AAD and terms of utilization of its proceeds by the awardee, the OPEC Fund plans and implements a dedicated communication campaign in partnership with the nominee. The nominee is expected to provide audio-visual material and written testimonials of its work, and agree to one or more filmed interviews with the OPEC Fund and select journalists for this purpose.
  • Step 7: The OPEC Fund Annual Award for Development will be announced at the 2023 OPEC Fund Development Forum held in Vienna, Austria on June 20, 2023. Both the nominee and the nominating party are invited to the ceremony.
  • Step 8: The ceremony may be preceded or followed by a press event hosted by the OPEC Fund in Vienna, Austria. Awardees may be expected to provide brief statements and press engagement.  The OPEC Fund will work with awarded teams to prepare appropriate audio-visual material and testimonials for release ahead of the said occasion.
  • Step 9: The nominee is expected to showcase the AAD on its website and provide the OPEC Fund with updated audio-visual material and work testimonials both in advance of and within one year of receiving the AAD. The nominee shall also report to the OPEC Fund within two years of receiving the AAD, outlining the main achievements attributable to the AAD. In addition, the nominee shall contribute to one of the OPEC Fund’s publications on subject matter related to the award and/or participate in a special event (TBD) to share learnings of recent achievements.

Application Deadline: May 12, 2023

The 2023 OPEC Fund Annual Award for Development (AAD)

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