The 2023 ZEISS Award for Women with Ambition in Digital and IT


The 2023 ZEISS Award for Women with Ambition in Digital and IT

The 2023 ZEISS Award for Women with Ambition in Digital and IT

The 2023 ZEISS Award for Women identifies and honors female innovators and leaders who have exhibited their commitment to developing digital and IT within their industry or profession.

So if you’re studying for a degree in Digital & IT or your enthusiasm for the digital world is contagious or you have innovative ideas up your sleeve or you are happy to take the initiative or you are dedicated to shaping the digital future, well then you should hurry up and apply for the ZEISS Women Award!

The ZEISS Women Award recognizes promising female graduates and students in Digital & IT and serves as a platform for motivating more women to further a career in this field.

Female graduates who have already earned their Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD degree or their diploma in the winter semester of 2022/23 or are about to graduate at the time of applying, are just starting their thesis, are editing it, or are waiting for their final result, can still apply.

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In order to be eligible for the 2023 ZEISS Award, applicants are required to have met the conditions below:

  • You are studying for a degree in Digital & IT.
  • You already have your Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD degree or your diploma from the winter semester of 2022/23, are about to graduate at the time of applying, are just starting your thesis, are editing it, or are waiting for your final result.
  • You are pursuing your passion through your studies, are committed to going above and beyond, and want to play an active role in shaping the future in the digital & IT sector.


The three first-place ZEISS Women Award winners each get a different sum of cash:

  1. 1st prize: € 8,000
  2. 2nd prize: € 5,000
  3. 3rd prize: € 3,000


  • Short covering letter (max. 1.5 DIN A4 pages): What motivates you to pursue your passion for Digital & IT?
  • Resume
  • Abstract or a short description of what your thesis is about including the name of your supervising professor
  • Current grade overview with an indication of your (expected) final grade

Application Deadline: July 23, 2023



The 2023 ZEISS Award for Women with Ambition in Digital and IT

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