2023/2024 Poland Government Scholarships for International Students

2023/2024 Poland Government Scholarships for International Students

2023/2024 Poland Government Scholarships for International Students

The Polish Government has declared the Poland Government Scholarships for international students to start in the academic year 2023/2024. The scholarship is offered by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The aim of the scholarships is to enhance international collaboration and academic exchange. The Polish Government Scholarships offers international students with financial support for furthering higher education in Poland across different programs.

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers scholarships to foreign students from developing countries. Scholarships are granted by the Polish Government to persons with qualifications in engineering, information technology, science, social science, and other subjects. Applicants must be citizens of disadvantaged countries. If you choose, you can apply to several Polish universities without taking the IELTS test. A government scholarship from Poland will cover the majority of your expenses. Public and private universities are among the program’s locations where you may improve your studies.


  • You should not have obtained a master’s degree before that.
  • You are not a Polish citizen.
  • It’s possible that applicants were not chosen for the first scholarship round. If the candidate intends to start a one-year introduction course before continuing their studies in Polish at the second level, they must have Polish language proficiency at the A2 level.
  • A minimum grade of B1 is necessary if the candidate wishes to begin the second year of study in Polish without first completing the one-year introduction course. or b) English proficiency at least at the B2 level if the candidate plans to study the language.

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The Programme offers:

  1. A monthly scholarship of the NAWA Director during the statutory period of education,
  2. Exemption from tuition fees at public universities.

The financial conditions of education at non-public universities supervised by the Minister of Education and Science shall be determined by the universities. In such cases, the issue of tuition fees should be agreed individually between the Scholarship Holder and the non-public university which hosts him/her. The issue of exemptions from tuition fees shall remain within the competence of the host non-public university.

The scholarship shall be paid during the statutory period of education for a maximum of 12 months in the academic year, starting from the first month of classes during the preparatory course or the studies.


  • PLN 1700 per month during the preparatory course;
  • PLN 1500 per month during second-cycle studies.

During their studies, the scholarship holders shall also acquire:

  • In the first year of studies, the first monthly scholarship increased by PLN 1000 or PLN 3000 (according to countries of arrival; details attached no. 4)(3)
  • In the last year of studies, the last monthly scholarship increased by PLN 500.
  • In the event of a documented fortuitous event, the NAWA Director may, upon a written request of the Scholarship Holder, increase the scholarship by PLN 500 once.

The NAWA Director’s scholarship shall be paid through the centre which conducts the course or the university where the Scholarship Holder is studying.


  1. Regulations of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange Programmes for students
  2. List of certificates confirming knowledge of English language
  3. Model Certificate
  4. List of country and corresponding rates – Mobility allowance

Application Deadline: March 1, 2024


2023/2024 Poland Government Scholarships for International Students

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