Mandela Washington Fellowship(MWF) 2023 Mandela Day Service Grants


Mandela Washington Fellowship(MWF) 2023 Mandela Day Service Grants

Mandela Washington Fellowship(MWF) 2023 Mandela Day Service Grants

Apply for the 2023 Mandela Day Service Grants from MWF for all young African leaders on TruesPort your best world wide scholarship website on the internet.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship(MWF) for Young African Leaders is the principal program of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) that enhances young people in academic coursework, leadership training, and networking. Each year, the Fellowship issues up to 700 amazing young leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to develop their skills at a U.S. higher education institution with support for professional development after they return home.

The Mandela Day Service Grant, financed by the U.S. Department of State, will produce financing for Fellowship Alumni to design, implement, and actively engage in short-term volunteer-driven community campaigns that contributes to longer-term projects focused on refining livelihoods. Through the grant, up to six Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumni or Alumni teams will acquire up to $1,000 each to execute a short-term community service or volunteer project in honor of Mandela Day.

Institutes focus on leadership and skills development in one of three tracks:

  1. Business,
  2. Civic Engagement, or
  3. Public Management.

ALSO TRENDING: 2023 Broad Street Finish Line Grant Program at Temple University, USA

Benefits of the 2023 Mandela Day Service Grant

  • The new Mandela Day Service Grant will produce financing for Fellowship Alumni to support short-term service projects that the Fellowship believes will contribute to sustainable community development.
  • Through the grant, up to six Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumni (or Alumni teams) will acquire up to $1,000 each to execute a short-term community service or volunteer project in honor of Mandela Day.

Requirements for the 2023 Mandela Day Service Grant

  • Open to all Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumni.

Selection Criteria for the 2023 Mandela Day Service Grant

Contestants are evaluated based on:

  • Potential for leadership success, as evident by academic and professional background, relevant skills, and demonstrated passion.
  • Focus on a short-term project that contributes to sustainable community development initiatives.
  • Potential for success of the project, based on the concept note of the application, the proposed budget, and proposed collaborations

Timeline for the 2023 Mandela Day Service Grant

  • Chosen projects will be announced in March 2023.
  • The Mandela Service Grant funds short-term service projects that the Fellowship believes will contribute to sustainable community development.
  • Selected grantees will implement their short-term projects from April to May and will report on all project activities, including recording videos of their projects and documenting impact, in June.
  • Following report and video submissions, grantees will refine videos to showcase at the 2023 Mandela Washington Fellowship Summit and to celebrate Mandela Day 2023.

Method of Application for the 2023 Mandela Day Service Grant

  • Applications must follow the instructions in the packet below.
  • Extra materials outside of this application will not be considered.
  • Revisions to applications after submission will also not be considered.
  • Only one application per team will be considered.
  • Applications must be written in English.

Application Deadline: 24th January, 2023


Mandela Washington Fellowship(MWF) 2023 Mandela Day Service Grants

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